Our experience of the Universe is a reflection of our consciousness. Operating by the Law of
Mirroring (Attraction), what we pay attention to becomes manifest in our lives. The Enneagram speaks to our habits of attention and the reasons for them. Thus the Enneagram illuminates the causal layer of our experience and provides us with the most powerful tools to influence our experiences.

In our  series of nine ESG sessions, we would like to use the “experience near” approach which
would be based on examples of our own personal struggles, challenges and growing edges. You might
be thinking about the following questions:

What are your goals and aspirations for your life?
What inner conflicts do you think get in your way?
And how could the Enneagram and this group help you achieve what you want?

With the support of the group, we each will look at, identify and explore
one or more of our growth edges. As each person is an amalgamation
of various internal Parts (or sub-personalities), it is the interrelationship
of these parts that form the basis of our health or distress. To become
whole, we must integrate our known self and our shadow, our accepted
and our disowned parts. This work may be somewhat vulnerable and
edgy for as C.G. Jung has said:

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness
conscious. The latter procedure, however, is disagreeable and therefore not popular.”